Thursday 7 January 2010

'Fucking Hell'

Zygotic acceleration, biogenetic, de-sublimated libidinal model 1995

Jake and Dinos Chapman, both graduates of the Royal College of Art, have been working together since 1990. The pair have produced some of the most controversial and thought-provoking works that have taken the art world by storm. Known for their non-conformist and somewhat rebellious approach to art, Jake and Dinos Chapman never fail to strike a nerve. Their body of work mainly consists of sculpture and installation that examines issues of contemporary politics, religion and morality head on. To give you a taste of the sort of thing one should expect from the gruesome twosome, 'Deeds Against the Dead', which was exhibited at the Sensations exhibition in 1997, portrayed a life-size scene made of fiberglass, depicting 3 castrated and mutilated soldiers tied to a tree. I Know. I'm delighted to tell you they haven't lightened up since! The pair have created an ambitious table-top tableau of over 30,000, 2 inch high model figures aiming to represent an apocalyptic view of the 20th century. Entitled 'Fucking Hell', i shall say no more and let you see for yourself! 

Other works by Jake and Dinos Chapman

detail from sex 2003

CFC76311561 2002

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